Robins are no longer "harbingers of spring" here in Huntington, West Virginia. They stick around all year. Every year around Christmas time, they come in a huge flock and eat every single berry on my holly tree. Occasionally, they leave the berries until a day or so after Christmas, but I have gradually come not to appreciate their presence. Yeah, I know. "Angels appear when cardinals are near" or vice-versa, but couldn't they at least wait until January?
Robins are no longer "harbingers of spring" here in Huntington, West Virginia. They stick around all year. Every year around Christmas time, they come in a huge flock and eat every single berry on my holly tree. Occasionally, they leave the berries until a day or so after Christmas, but I have gradually come not to appreciate their presence. Yeah, I know. "Angels appear when cardinals are near" or vice-versa, but couldn't they at least wait until January?