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Sharon (not verified)

8 years 9 months ago

I live in the city of Santa Cruz CA on the central coast(Not Santa Cruz Island). There is a Western Scrub Jay that has taken quite an interest in my cats. He/she lurks outside a door or window squawking at the cat, sometimes even coming inside the garage through the kitty door or open sliding door.He doesn't attack the cat, nor the cat attack it, but often perches about 3 feet from where the cat is. The cat comes running in trying to get away from it. The bird follows. I live in the garage studio. There is another renter who lives in the main house. He has a cat that he doesn't allow to go outside. But the bird comes to the window and squawks at that cat too. He's has been seeking out the cats for at least 2 or 3 weeks now that I know about. I saw something about Florida Scrub Jays being able to be finger tamed. Is this also possible with Western Scrub Jays? I bought some unsalted peanuts and put a few outside the door on the railing. The bird hasn't come by yet, but will typically be backin the early evening when the sun is getting low in the sky. I also hear him squawking outside the door very early in the morning before it starts to get light. I have been having fun playing the bird calls off of the computer and he comes to the door and listens. It's so cute.

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