First five and now only four ravens have become regular visitors to my bird feeders and suet cakes. At first I thought they were crows, but quickly realized how much larger they were. I live in Washtenaw County, Michigan about 10 miles west of Ann Arbor in a semi-rural area with a couple of green-space preserves and county parks and a river nearby. I have a acre -as do most of my neighbors - with giant old Norwegian spruces and other trees like maples and walnuts. No traffic to worry about, no dogs running loose - a few semi-wild house cats, so it's not a bad situation for them. They tend to come around when it gets really cold and there is snow on the ground and then leave for parts unknown. I keep counting this time, but, alas, there are now apparently only four left of the original five.
First five and now only four ravens have become regular visitors to my bird feeders and suet cakes. At first I thought they were crows, but quickly realized how much larger they were. I live in Washtenaw County, Michigan about 10 miles west of Ann Arbor in a semi-rural area with a couple of green-space preserves and county parks and a river nearby. I have a acre -as do most of my neighbors - with giant old Norwegian spruces and other trees like maples and walnuts. No traffic to worry about, no dogs running loose - a few semi-wild house cats, so it's not a bad situation for them. They tend to come around when it gets really cold and there is snow on the ground and then leave for parts unknown. I keep counting this time, but, alas, there are now apparently only four left of the original five.