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Genell Kluss-Price (not verified)

3 years 3 months ago

My boyfriend called me one day and said he found a baby sparrow at work. He had disrupted its nest when he was moving pallets with a fork lift and had killed its nest mate. He picked it up and put it aside hoping that the mother would come back for it but never did,
He called me and said he found a baby bird and asked, "Can you make it live?". I admitted I had not had much luck with baby birds but said I would try, Robert came to my house that evening with the baby in a cage his mom had.
"Spanky" he said, "Spanky?" I replied. "Spanky" he said said.
This little thing was just starting to grow feathers and looked kind of grumpy, I went to the store and bought some baby food and found an old eye dropper to feed him with, Spanky had a good appetite and fell asleep when it was dark. I covered his cage with a blanket and hoped for the best. (Overnight is usually when I lost most of my baby birds.)
The next morning I took the blanket off expecting to find Spanky a gonner but to my surprise he opened his eyes and his beak wanting to be fed,
Spanky was with us for two years, He was the best, funniest and most unusual pet in our lives. Spanky wanted to eat whatever I was eating and I would give him a bite, He loved to steal potato chips and wanted to drink anything that was bright colored. Spanky had no fear of our cat, Twink. Spanky would use Twink as a couch, and would ride around on our dog Scout,
Spanky even learned to speak! I knew that many birds would mimic car horns and alarms but to hear a sparrow talk was astonishing! He could say about 15 words or whistles that I used to call for my dog and cat, (Yes, even the cat.) He would call my daughter Miss Beff, which is what I called her and call my son Sky, whose name was Skyler. He called to Scout and did his whistle and called the cat Twink, I was Mom and my boyfriend was Rob.
Spanky was scared to death of the cat laser when he figured out he couldn't catch it. If he was mad at you he would cuss you out in his birdie language and hide in his nest, He took a bath every other day and even had a special dish to bathe in. Spanky rode around on the back of my wheelchair and almost never pooped on me or anything in the house, he used his cage or the very tops of my kitchen cabinets where he liked to hang out and observe what was happening in our home.
Spanky was so loved by Robert and me; he was the child we never had. We cried for days when he escaped, but he was a big boy then and wanted a mate. We would hear him around town calling for Miss Beff or Scout. I hope he found a Mrs. Spanky and had dozens of eggs that hatched.

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