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Brenda Lynn (not verified)

12 years 5 months ago

Very interesting. In Virginia we normally wont see many tropical storms or hurricanes.The waters here arent warm enough in the Oct-Nov period to support optimum tropic activity, but i can definitely tell you that thats not true in the gulf. I drove down to Texas back in July and the gulf water is sooo much warmer, i could feel the difference. It looks like I left right on time because back home there was a huge heat wave during that time. After I came inland I could feel those warm moist breezes but i dont know whether that was from the ocean or not. I loved it down there. So warm and comfy to sit on my chair and soak up some sun but thats over for me now. Austin and San Antonio Bay was a beautiful vacation. I wonder what its like in the winter. Chesapeake closes for the winter (as do many)

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