It would seem like you could plant them now. Early spring is recommended … but with care, and continued mild weather, you might be ok. Or, plant some now and some later. If you plant, Do not cut back mums. The dead growth insulates the roots. Cut off the dead stems and leaves when you see the first green shoots in spring. After the ground has frozen, spread 4 to 6 inches of mulch around the plant.
If you know the plant names, you may feel more confident. The following are extra-hardy mums. These will survive in frigid climates: ‘Betty Lou’ Maxi Mum; ‘Burnt Copper’; ‘Centerpiece’; ‘Grape Glow’; ‘Lemonsota’; ‘Maroon Pride’; ‘Mellow Moon’; ‘Minnautumn’, ‘Minnpink’, ‘Minnruby’, ‘Minnwhite’, and ‘Minnyellow’; ‘Rose Blush’; ‘Sesqui Centennial Sun’ ‘Snowscape’
It would seem like you could plant them now. Early spring is recommended … but with care, and continued mild weather, you might be ok. Or, plant some now and some later. If you plant, Do not cut back mums. The dead growth insulates the roots. Cut off the dead stems and leaves when you see the first green shoots in spring. After the ground has frozen, spread 4 to 6 inches of mulch around the plant.
If you know the plant names, you may feel more confident. The following are extra-hardy mums. These will survive in frigid climates: ‘Betty Lou’ Maxi Mum; ‘Burnt Copper’; ‘Centerpiece’; ‘Grape Glow’; ‘Lemonsota’; ‘Maroon Pride’; ‘Mellow Moon’; ‘Minnautumn’, ‘Minnpink’, ‘Minnruby’, ‘Minnwhite’, and ‘Minnyellow’; ‘Rose Blush’; ‘Sesqui Centennial Sun’ ‘Snowscape’