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Tom Chase (not verified)

1 year ago

I hadn’t read herein what might have been the cause of GW’s teeth problem. A quick simple thought is a bad environment in the mouth such as acid reflex. Acid is known to destroy the tooth enamel. GW had this problem by the age of 24 quoted. Dentistry at that time wouldn’t have known. Today there are simple solutions, by rectifying (neutralizing) the presents of acid. I view the matter being two fold, brushing and neutralizing the presents of acid that can take place between brushing, anti-acid medication. GW must have had a strong acid bodily presents. Saliva flow is important to wash the mouth.

Quoting a medical paragraph and a notation from the ADA::
Acid reflux can cause some unexpected symptoms, including tooth sensitivity and a higher risk for cavities. "Reflux can damage tooth enamel if the acid comes into contact with your teeth," says Michael Wei, D.D.S., of Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist in New York City. That's especially true if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, marked by acid reflux that occurs twice a week or more.

My $0.02

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