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Benjamin (not verified)

4 years ago

The trend is your friend till the end. Your now at the end. Welcome to the Ice Age. Hope its just the little one and the the 11000 year plunge... Were off to a rough start. Looks like we just lost the citrus crop in Texas due to global cooling. Turns out once again the experts were fu#%king clueless at best, deceptive at worse. Turns out sunspot cycles or lack of them can influence temperatures of earth. Regardless of how much carbon is in the atmosphere. Now masses believe the climate is dangerously warming while in the real world parts are getting extremely cold. The entire fossil fuel complex has been kicked to the curb with infastructure not adapted to extreme cold in Texas on top of the windmills freezing fiasco. Some things I predict are about to change. Otherwise people will continue to freeze to death.

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