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Waheed Uddin (not verified)

5 years ago

The harmonic sinusoidal models by NOAA NASA are vague with poor accuracy of past cycles like other climate models.
Cycle 25 will be the weakest in recorded history. 
Based on our ARIMA sunspot cycle model I predict this 21st Century Grand Solar Minimum to be comparable to the 17th Century Maunder minimum cycle of 1645 - 1715 and lot worse than the 18th Century Dalton Minimum cycle of 1790 - 1830, the 19th Century Glassberg Minimum cycle of 1880 - 1914, and the 20th century Modern Minimum cycle of 1914 - 2007. 
The longer duration 21st Century Grand Solar Minimum Sunspot Cyclic ARIMA Model (11,1,0) (11,1,12) predicts the Annual Total Sunspots, as follows:
2018: 104  (measured 85)
2019: 30    (measured 42)
2020: 68
2030: 74
2040: 20
2050: 0
Consequences: Less active Sun,  more Cosmic Rdiation penetration to troposphere, more cloud seeding, less incident Sola radiation, temperature drop, more cooling worldwide, less rainfall, crop failures and droughts, diseases, electricity grid disasters due to UN led campaign of weather dependent wind and solar energy.
Poor people and developing countries will suffer the most.
While irrepairable damage to natural climate change cycles is being caused by the UN led agenda of CO2 tax to stop ClimateChange and current efforts to contaminant skies for solar radiation management and climate intervention.

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