Thanks for the German name explanation, Robin! I needed a laugh before I head out to shovel what the latest snowstorm brought. My lovely, understanding mum gave me 25 cents to buy a pack of pansy seeds when I was 5, and let me loose to sow them around the yard. Twenty years later, my hubby and I visited the neighbouring province and drove past my old house. I was surprised and delighted to see pansies merrily growing everywhere with the wild abandon with which I'd planted them, and seeing their cheery faces was like revisiting childhood friends!
Thanks for the German name explanation, Robin! I needed a laugh before I head out to shovel what the latest snowstorm brought. My lovely, understanding mum gave me 25 cents to buy a pack of pansy seeds when I was 5, and let me loose to sow them around the yard. Twenty years later, my hubby and I visited the neighbouring province and drove past my old house. I was surprised and delighted to see pansies merrily growing everywhere with the wild abandon with which I'd planted them, and seeing their cheery faces was like revisiting childhood friends!