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Peter Petrides (not verified)

6 years ago

I was attending school at UConn in Storrs, CT, during the blizzard of "78. I was living in the one of the dorms on campus. I recall the snow being waist high and having drifts over my shoulders in places. We helped shovel some cars out to allow people to get home after a day of constant hard snow. Meanwhile, in "the jungle" portion of campus people were partying pretty hard with a day off of school. I'm told someone was using a third floor bathroom as a sauna, and people were jumping out of the third floor window after the sauna in various states of undress. Unfortunately, the snow pile below the window began to compress, and someone broke his ankle in the snow pile. Fortunately, the person was not lying in the snow pile too long before medical care arrived! Kudos to the fire department!

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