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Carol Stanley (not verified)

9 months ago

I am second generation Hungarian. My paternal grandmother was born in the Austria-Hungary Empire. She age 13 immigrated to USA in 1899. After WWI she only spoke English as her country no longer existed.
My dad read as much as he could about Our revolution with Great Britain and our travels to most of the major battle sites. I was amazed how the men moved and the places cannon balls were made.
When I went to college in Philadelphia, PA, I took the opportunity to learn what took place in Carpenter hall and City Tavren to give birth to our country.
As I drove to work I passed Benjamin Franklin's grave and wondered what thoughts he would have on how our country has evolved.
I proudly display our flag and not a day goes by that I don't give thanks for everyone who fought and gave their all to keep those 13 strips and blue field of stars for every state together.
Demacracy we can have differing points of view it means flexibility and it remains that 13 strips and blue field of stars stay true together.

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