Sun and Earth Moving in Opposite Directions?
Cooling is offsetting fictional warming ? Please tell it to the lemmings . This makes no sense and is geared to the hand wringers.
Nailed it.
The wackadoodles are out in force! The only people who deny that mankinds cumulative activities are affecting the Earth's climate are the ignorant or ones with a political agenda. It's science, people! It's not a socialist plot to take your money, your guns and your women. Jeez, spare me your mindless, politically driven hysteria.
I like the science part, the problem is, I, like most ordinary people, have not seen the data, so I cannot tell you what I believe. The ignorant need to be educated, and confidence in the integrity of the data reclaimed. I see youtube videos of adjusted data (fake?) vs raw with no explanation as to the adjustment. A full chain-of-explanation needs to be provided, and i worry that the ease of using computer guys to create/adjust data is not being appropriately reviewed by climate science and sensor engineering people, and peer reviewed by other related science disciplines. Government, policy, industry, Climategate, competing interests just add to the confusion (I can never believe a politician who tries to talk about science, or claims to have invented the internet). Bias needs to be removed from the research as Nobel author D Kahneman in 'Thinking Fast and Slow' indicates -he has "yet to meet a successful scientist who lacks the ability to exaggerate" - to do this we need good quality data, and a good amount of it, and processes to filter bias.
I think a well-vetted systems-level view needs to be implemented that recognizes the earth is a very very large and complicated system, lots of inputs involved, always more to be known, inclusive of various science disciplines, adding to it new technologies as they go online. I saw on C-SPAN NASA pitching funding requests for Spaceweather, certainly this has to be a positive thing and only shows there is always more to learn.
I am quite late to the game in these comments, but just came across this article today while searching this topic because of a radio show I listened to on my way to work at 3:30 am CST. I am a life-long lover of all things space-related since the age of 5 when I was glued to a 7" black and white TV watching the first moon landing. But I digress.
I confess to much frustration with those who continue to insist that climate change is anything more than man-made. I want to shake them and ask if they have forgotten ANYTHING they learned in junior high school regarding evolution and the dinosaurs. Yes, I know that is very simplistic, but you can break this down to BE very simplistic. Simply put, the Earth's climate has gone through periods where there were no ice caps on either pole, the seas were much higher, the temperatures were much warmer, and shallow inland seas covered much more of the surface of the Earth. The oxygen level was much higher, as well, leading to the development of huge insects, and ultimately of huge dinosaurs. Then the asteroid/comet struck in what is now part of Mexico, wiping out all of the dinosaurs and throwing the Earth into a sort of nuclear winter for tens of thousands of years. My point is, the Earth has gone through untold numbers of cycles of hot and cold long before mankind was here, and it will continue to do so long after we are gone. Yes, I have no doubt we are exacerbating the problem. However, for any political party to DARE suggest the United States has sole responsibility to fix the problem is inexcusable, when Asian countries are simply not called to account for their reprehensible pollution problems.