An American Goldfinch and her nestling.
American Goldfinch Calls
Anyone know of any ebooks that combine the photos and the birds sounds.
We had two pairs of these coming to our feeders this spring. We now have about 10 pairs (10 males and 10 females). It is amazing to watch them! They eat a lot. We fill up our feeders in the morning and then again in the evening. We have 6 feeders that hold about 2 cups of seed each and then one thistle feeder, that holds 3 cups, that we fill up about every other day. I live in northern Maine, 7 miles from the Canadian border, right in the center of the state.
We have dozens of these little beauties come after a nice rain shower and about a dozen or so stay around. We have feeders and suet and they seem to like them. I love seeing the little flashes of yellow light as they fly by. We live in northeastern Oklahoma
We have lots of these birds. They like thistle so I put up special feeders. They eat upside down so I put the perches that way. In winter their feathers are olive drab but change to bright yellow in spring. I live in Southeastern Kentucky.
There were several pair of these birds here in rural Dobson, North Carolina this season, they liked to attach themselves to the thistle soxs, and we learned that they are very aggressive. They would fly from the sox to the birdfeeders when a Northern Cardinal, or Mountain Blue bird would land on them. They would even chase others of their same species away from the feeders.
I have both males and females coming to my garden this month. They love the seed heads of Black-eyed Susans, cone flowers and chicory. I usually hear them before I see them! I live in New Hampshire.