Dark-eyed Junco Calls
We have them every winter in southern New Hampshire. We look forward to their arrival and usually see them in groups of 3 to 8. Their little dances are so entertaining and endearing, and we are always sad when they depart in the spring. We've occasionally seen them until early summer and those late migraters are a real joy.
I love watchingj uncos at my feeders here in northern Illinois. I'm halfway between Milwaukee and Chicago, and have these adorable little guests each winter.
We have these Juncos foraging near the edge of the woods towards late February in Conn.
We have many of these friendly little juncos foraging under our feeders on the deck here in rural southwestern Ontario. In fact, I see one right now.
Saw a winter Junco in the backyard, NW OHIO, 11/17/23. Very bright coloring, hopping on ground as predicted.
In Northern Illinois we see these little birds all winter long. They will eat Niger seed that has fallen to the ground but seldom to you see them eating from a feeder. They are also know as Snowbirds, picking the small seeds from the snow.
I don't look forward to winter but it is nice when these cheery fellows show up, it is March now so they should be leaving soon. (Ohio)
They actually left April 15th the same exact day the swallows returned. See you next year!
I saw one through my telescope in my backyard
Yes we have lots here at Table Rock Lake,mo