Animals That Predict Rain, Storms, and Cold 蜜桃恋人
I have always heard, "Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning sailors warning."
I've always heard red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in morning sailors take warning
That's in The Bible too.
"Jesus said, 'When it is evening ye say, it will be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today for the sky is red and lowering.'鈥
~Matthew 16:2&3
A cow with its tail to the west, makes weather the best. A cow with its tail to the east, makes weather the least.
When the wind is in the north, you should not venture forth. When the wind is in the east, it is bad for man and beast. When the wind is in the south, bait blows into fish's mouth. When the wind is in the west, then the fishing's best.
When is the best time to wean calves for market (penned to feed out for auction)? I've heard if a calf is weaned on the increase of the moon, the calf will continue to nurse if put back in the pasture with their mama.
See our best days timetable--and look for the "weaning" dates:
My father was a farmer all his life and growing up, he tried to tell us some of the things to look for concerning the weather among otheer things. He said to watch the oak tree; iff they were loaded with acorns, we would have a hard winter. Also, if the squirrel's tail in late summer was bushy and as wide as or wlder, you could expect a cold, cold winter.
I love reading these comments. I LOVE this website. In Minnesota (Mpls area) we have seen 47 degree nights and it has been chilly, much like autumn already, and we haven't hit August yet. In front, we have a tall, large bush that is already turning colors from green to yellow to orange to red. I have never in my 50+ years remember having leaves begin to turn color in July. My friend just accidentally bumped into a hornet's nest on her property and said it was low to the ground. Hmm. Those hornets were sure mad. This weather is really weird. I love autumn & winter and am wondering if we might not only see an unusually cold winter this year but snowy as well. I never heard the katydids this year which is odd. So, my question to everyone is -- can anyone help guide me to understand through an old fashioned method how to predict fall and winter weather? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hornets are not long-term weather predictors. In cold climates, they abandon their nest in the fall, and all of them die off except for the queen and her eggs.