How Mother's Day Became a Holiday
In both my mother's and father's families, on Mother's Day we pray for all the mother's who have lost their sons (and now daughters) in war, all the mother's who children are still away at
war, and all the mother's who children has passed away. These are the mother's of the world that truly need comforting on Mother's Day. My mother and aunts are 90 to 104-year old, all women with children and grandchildren that have served in the armed forces, will simply get greetings and meals prepared for them by their children and children, children. No gifts. Some cards. No trips to the cemetery until Memorial Day weekend.
In both my mother's and father's families, on Mother's Day we pray for all the mother's who have lost their sons (and now daughters) in war, all the mother's who children are still away at
war, and all the mother's who children has passed away. These are the mother's of the world that truly need comforting on Mother's Day. My mother and aunts are 90 to 104-year old, all women with children and grandchildren that have served in the armed forces, will simply get greetings and meals prepared for them by their children and children, children. No gifts. Some cards. No trips to the cemetery until Memorial Day weekend.
I love and honor my late mother, grandmother, and aunt - all were mothers to me. Unfortunately, Mother’s Day represents pain for many women, especially those who are childless or by choice, for whatever reason, childfree. I am part of the latter. For health reasons, my husband and I did not have children. Yet, I nurtured and mothered hundreds of children over the years as a kindergarten teacher. Several years ago, I sat in church while a rose was given to every woman who was a mother. I was the only woman to go home empty-handed. An older woman of the church approached me privately to say how sorry she was that I was excluded, recognizing me as one of the mothers her granddaughter had (I taught her granddaughter). Another year I went to church with my parents on Mother’s Day and a flower was given to the oldest mother, the mother with the most kids present in church, etc. They were down to the last flower and the category was “youngest mother”. Two moms tied, both 27. The minister was perplexed, having only one flower. From the pulpit, he announced “Jane was a mother, but wasn’t married, so Debbie - who was married - was awarded the flower. Because I was sitting with my parents, I didn’t walk out. But I wanted to. I now skip church on Mother’s Day and go shopping to buy myself something nice.
How do mothers survive in this crazy world, giving and sharing all the way? It is a miracle; they must be damned strong.
Dear mothers of the world, I only have a bunch of 30 individual digital flowers to share. 30 flowers for about 30 years in which girls become mothers. 30 flowers accompagnied by the 'Survival Tune for a crazy World'.
Please accept my well meant musical encouragement on YouTube. Survive, share and walk on.
Henry Vanderes
Mother's Day flowers are a heartfelt way to show your appreciation for your mother or mother figure. They represent love, gratitude, and respect. If you're looking for a reliable brand for your Mother's Day Flowers, consider Interflora India, which offers a wide range of beautiful and high-quality floral arrangements to express your love and appreciation.
I give homage to these 3 trailblazing souls that saw fit to be themselves and move a necessary blockade and resistance from our path back to who we are. Yet, while my gratitude is none the less for these three, the truth of the matter is that each and every one of you that have walked each step with the roll, title, and responsibility of Mother are no less deserving of your own homage! REGARDLESS, the situation! We have an unavoidable Miracle unfolding before our very eyes as a collective Humanity and we ALL COULD USE A DOSE OF THE 'MOTHERING' GENE to nuture one another to the other side of the Valley. My Love and Appreciation to each one of YOU! If you know someone who needs a friend... be one! If it's you struggling to cope then reach out, MY HAND is waiting amongst countless others to give away what we've been givin! THANK YOU!
'~True Love is the triumpth of IMAGINATION over Intelligence.' -H. L. Mencken
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This is a great article. I did not know the history. Just saw Hallmark cards. The mothers behind mother's day were true patriots who helped out in war, advocated for peace, fought against child labor and bad mining conditions and improved health for all children and future children of the world. They should talk about these women in history class not just make crafts for mom.
Alan, you are so right! Mother's Day should reflect the three women who decided that safety, compassion and security are most important in everyone's lives. Mother's day should not be remembered as a cash cow!! Make something by hand, cook your Mom's favorite meal, read with your Mom, or go to the park with her. Just show her your love and admiration...she will always remember that. And she will thank God she has you in her life, every day. I know these things seem old-fashioned, but remember, she is from the generation before you...maybe old-fashioned is just what she'd like.
My mom, Gladys O. S. was a kind and godly woman. Mom’s mantra was “Give it to God.” She taught me to love and forgive others as often as they offend you. Mom died February 2012. I love you mom! Sleep on Momma, take your rest; we all love you but God loves you best.