Oh Sharon most if not a good percentage of Christian rituals are all pagan in origin. What the real problem here is those who try to put their beliefs on others in any manner shape or form. Those stones sure hurt. I am happy for you that you renounce the festival of St. Lucia, so let it be just that something that you do not do.
Not sure that anyone is forcing anyone else to believe what they choose not to believe. Thank goodness that we live in America where we currently enjoy freedom to choose what we believe. Those who rejoice in denouncing other’s faith or beliefs to validate their own beliefs is equally wrong. People have resourced a word, a holiday, object and not been demeaned for doing so. No time to start now.
Sharon, this is not the celebration of a pagan god.
Per Wikipedia:
Lucia of Syracuse, also called Saint Lucia or Saint Lucy, was a Christian martyr who died during the Diocletianic Persecution. She is venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox churches. Wikipedia
Born: 283 AD, Syracuse, Italy
Died: 304 AD, Syracuse, Italy
Full name: Lucia of Syracuse
Parents: Eutychia
Feast: 13 December; 16 September (duplicate feast in pre-1970 General Roman Calendar);
Canonized: Pre-congregation
I looked at the photo and then I looked at the list of ingredients. Raisins were listed in the directions but not in the list of ingredients, The raisins and amount needed should be in the list of ingredients.
Raisins are listed-2 per bun
There was Lucia, or Luccia, or Lucy in Nordic countries long before the Italian saint. The tradition of the Lussi bringing back the sunlight marked Jul, or Yule, the shortest day of the year. Along with returning the light, the Lussi also prowled the dark, carrying away naughty children who ventured out on Jul night. Children were safe if they went about with torches, though. This lead to the tradition of, “Star Boys,” accompanying Lucia carrying lights or torches. When the Nordic peoples adopted Christianity, the priests overlay the existing practices of the Lussi procession and the return of the light with the similar-sounding Lucia, or Lucy. There was history and religions in the North long before the Christians ventured toward the Norse realms.
As a proud Luccia descended from Norwegians, the full heritage of my namesake matters as does the accurate history of St. Lucia’s Day.
Thank you, well said!
St. Lucia Buns should have six cups of flour not eight....could barely knead it.
Thank you for your feedback about making St. Lucia Buns. We’ve made this recipe without the same problem, but have altered the directions to reflect that it may not need up to 8 cups of flour to achieve the correct consistency of dough.