Baltimore Oriole Calls
We live in the Rouge National Urban Park in Markham, Ontario, Canada. We have a great variety of birds visiting us & recently realized we have a pair of Baltimore Orioles! They built a nest near our hummingbird feeder & one of the babies fell out of the nest on the ground. It's quite big but still has a very little bit of fuzz on its head so not too old. I actually came to this site for some info. Do we leave it, will the mum look after it if it's on the ground, should we put it back in the nest...? The mum is definitely flying around and keeping an eye on it. Onward with my investigation before nightfall. We want to make sure the baby is safe if we can.
Hi Gillian,
That’s very cool you have Baltimore Orioles nesting nearby! Considering the chick is so young based on your description, it probably didn’t try to fly. The baby should be returned to the nest if it is within reach. The parents will still look after the chick wherever it is, but it is in danger of cold night temperatures and predators (most likely predator is a house cat) while on the ground. If you can’t reach the nest to return the chick, construct a simple nest from sticks and wool and attach it to a nearby shrub or tree branch. The parents will take care of the chick in the new nest, same as the old. Thanks for writing!
I have a pair coming in to feed for the past 2 years. My husband made a simple feeder to fit 3 smalls bowls, 2 for cut up oranges and 1 for grape jelly. We hang it near the hummingbird feeder. They come mid May and leave mid August. We also hear the "cack, cack cack" when they head in for a feed. So happy to have them here for the summer. We live near Hamilton, Ontario.
Every year I have a pair of Orioles. I have the feeder for them and I buy orange suet cakes, the females love them. They usually stay 2 weeks and then are gone.
This is the second year we have had a pair of Baltimore Orioles. I cut an orange in half and put grape jelly on top. I have had the male peck at our window from time to time too. Central Missouri.
I have been hearing this sound and today it was in the humming bird feeder.Northern Wisconsin.
You know the orange mesh bags that apples, oranges, etc., are sold in? We cut up some oranges and put them in a bag and hung it on the bird feeder. Yesterday there were 4 orioles enjoying the oranges :--)
Last week, I put out grape jelly, as I have a feeder just for that. Within the hour there was an Oriole. Now there have been three of them coming for the jelly. It is fun to watch them play around along with colorful Goldfinches and Cardinals. I put out oiled sunflower seeds only as well as the jelly. We are in NorthWest Wisconsin.
We have a pair of Baltimore Oriole come for the past 3 yrs. I love their beautiful song. I watched the male in the top of our elm tree calling to the female. Soon she came and they went from limb to limb singing to one another. We have an Oriole feeder and see her there quite often, not him so much. We live in northeastern Oklahoma