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Ever wondered why you’re drawn to certain people or situations? Or why you have specific strengths and weaknesses? The answer might lie in the elements that govern your zodiac sign. Beyond the basic traits associated with your sun sign, the four zodiac elements—fire, earth, air, and water—play a significant role in shaping your personality and behavior.
We’ll delve into the depths of each element in astrology, exploring their unique characteristics and how they influence the twelve zodiac signs. Each zodiac element has particular traits, but each sign will have its own unique way of expressing that energy. Let’s dive into the elements and learn about their role in astrology.
The Zodiac Elements
The four elements are fire, earth, air, and water. Fire is passionate, earth is practical, air is intellectual, and water is emotional.
Each sign is ruled by a different element of the zodiac, which puts three signs in each. However, these , which affects how they express the elemental energy.
Cardinal prefers to get things started, fixed likes to sustain and maintain, and mutable goes with the flow. This also corresponds to the seasons: cardinal falls at the beginning of the season, fixed in the middle, and mutable at the end.
When you think of the fire element, what comes to mind? Heat and intensity probably come to mind. Right away, that lets you know that these signs are passionate, exciting, and powerful. You might even say these signs have “fiery” personalities. Other descriptions of fire signs: warm, bold, courageous, and positive. At times, they can be impulsive, leading them to act first and think later. But that adds to their charm. After all, who can resist the thrill of adventure?
While Rams share the typical fire sign traits, they are also a cardinal sign, which means they thrive on action. Always ready to get something started, Aries is the pioneer who takes the first big step before others dare. They’re never afraid to set the trends, even if it means looking foolish. They’d rather take the chance! These confident firecrackers must learn to consider other people’s feelings, or they can get a rep for being selfish.
Proud Leo is the regal leader amongst the fire signs. While they are known for their passion and power, they are also less of a risk taker than Aries or Sagittarius. This is because they are a fixed sign. They prefer to know their hunches will pay off before making the move. Leo can be dramatic, and when that happens, bridges get burned. Ruled by the heart, they’re generous to a fault. Although they are the king of the jungle, they’re sweet kittens at heart.
Those born under the sign of the Archer love adventure. Travel is one of their passions, but they’re game for anything that might broaden their horizons. They’re optimists at heart and prefer to look at the sunny side. However, they don’t like to settle down for too long. Instead, they want to be on the move or wherever the action may be. Eventually, they settle down, but not until they’ve sowed their wild oats.
Fun fact: Leo is ruled by the Sun, which is why some of them think the world revolves around them!
The best way to describe earth signs is practical. All three are grounded, much like the soil we stand on. These “down-to-earth” folks are reliable, realistic, and hardworking. They are the ones you can count on when times are tough. Material security is important, which means they’ll do what they can to build a solid foundation. However, they can be overly cautious at times, which may cause them to avoid risks. Don’t assume this means they’re boring. Even the timid ones in this group are delightful companions.
Taurus is one of the most solid members of the zodiac. They’re practical, steady, and loyal. But they can be stubborn because they are fixed signs. When they are in that mode, you cannot make them budge. Like the other earth signs, they focus on building security. Even so, they love to splurge on luxury items or a great meal. After all, they know they deserve the very best. They’ll also blow money on their loved ones because spoiling others is in their DNA.
Virgos are blessed with uncommonly good common sense. They always seem to know how to handle just about anything. Because they’re a mutable sign, they are adept at adapting to change, even if they don’t like it. Highly intelligent, they can be found in careers where they can use their fine analytical minds, such as teaching or science. Some can be irritable fussbudgets who love to find fault with everything. Virgos are also frugal by nature. Unlike Taurus, they consider every expense carefully. If you want to get them to part with their money, it needs to make sense.
Like the other earth signs, Capricorn is pragmatic. They prefer sensible solutions over wild schemes. They’re also hard workers with a strong ambitious streak. However, they’re not content to be a cog in the wheel. Instead, they have their eyes on the top run. No doubt, they’ll achieve their goals. Like other cardinal signs, they’ll take their chances rather than waiting on the sidelines. Although they love security, they do like to invest, as long as the quality is impeccable. Capricorns have great taste!
Fun fact: Virgo and Gemini both share the same planetary ruler, Mercury. Mercury is associated with communication and intellect, qualities both signs are known for. So, even though they are different elements, they have something in common.
Like their element, air signs thrive on change. They love to come and go as they please, like a gentle breeze. Mental stimulation is of the utmost importance. If they don’t get that, they’re off to something more interesting. This does not mean they’re insensitive. All three can be remarkably tender. However, their heads will usually lead their hearts. Air signs like to be in motion, so it’s rare to find them sitting still. Even when they are resting, their nimble minds are processing information.
Gemini is mutable, so they are the breeziest of the air signs. They’re smart, witty, and sociable. Curious and playful, they know how to bring the fun wherever they go. They do not like to be pinned down. Like the butterfly, they want to spread their wings. This can lead to a reputation as being fickle. But don’t get it twisted: they can stay put provided they know they’re free to do their thing.
Libras are intelligent like other air signs. Their symbol is the Scales, so they are also renowned for their fairness and sense of justice. They tend to weigh all sides before making a judgment, a nod to their objectivity. Relationships are vital to Libras. They love to be in love and will do what they can to make their partners happy. This can lead to a tendency to people-please. While that may keep the peace, they are less happy if their needs are unmet. Libras also need to guard against indecisiveness. There is nothing wrong with wanting to explore every option, but eventually, a choice needs to be made!
Despite being born under the symbol of the Water Bearer, Aquarius is an air sign. They’ll be cool-headed, logical intellectuals who tend to run every emotion through their minds. Like other fixed signs, they can be obstinate, especially when they think they have all the facts. They’re also non-conformists and, in some cases, eccentric. Even so, they are tolerant and have a wide circle of friends. These idealists also want to make the world a better place, which means they may be drawn to humanitarian work.
Fun fact: All three air signs are social by nature. Although you’ll find introverts amongst this trio, it can usually be traced to other placements in their charts, such as an introverted Moon sign!
Did you ever hear the saying, “Still waters run deep?” That’s an apt description of water signs. Their emotions lead the way in everything they do. They’re sensitive, nurturing, compassionate, and intuitive. Sometimes, they can be easily hurt, especially when they feel their love or empathy is not reciprocated. In those cases, they can become swept away by their emotions.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which means they are sensitive creatures. They can be crabby, too, especially if they are hurt. If they don’t feel emotionally safe, they’ll crawl into their shells. This protective nature extends to their family. Cancers will defend their homes and their loved ones to the end. They are a cardinal sign, which explains why they enjoy taking charge on the home front. If you get in their way in the kitchen, you might get the claws!
Of the water signs, Scorpio is the most mysterious. They are emotional and deep, but there are some levels no one ever gets to access. The private Scorpions prefer to keep some things to themselves. However, if you prove to be trustworthy, they’ll let you in. But if you break that trust, the door gets permanently closed. After all, they are a fixed sign, which means they can be inflexible. Scorpios are also psychic, so don’t try to fool them. They’ll see right through you.
Gentle Pisces swims in their feelings. Sometimes, they can drown in their sorrows if they spend too much time there. They need to come to the surface from time to time to breathe. Like other mutable signs, Pisces can adapt to a wide variety of situations. But sometimes, when it gets to be too much, they look for the escape route. It’s better to channel their feelings into their creativity, a much better outlet. Many of the best musicians and artists fall under this sign.
Fun fact: Scorpio is ruled by two planets: Mars and Pluto. They’re not the only sign with more than one ruling planet. This is because the ancient astrologers were only aware of seven planets. Once Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered, modern astrologers assigned them to signs, giving some zodiac signs two planetary rulers.