Wishing for a heavy winter snow? You may just get more than you bargain for sooner than you think. It may not be this year, but the Holocene interglacial period we are currently in could end at any time like all the other interglacial periods of the last 2 million years. Just be aware that 90% of the last 2 million years has been deep ice age... so pray for global warming, because the alternative, according to the climate record is an ice age that will last 3-5 times longer than the interglacial period we are currently in.
im so sick and tired of the last several years of big predictions-little results i love snow yet years have gone by with "warmer than usual" winters why? when i was a girl we could expect a white Christmas and a good blizzard nearly every year-im sad my children & grandchildren dont have the deep snow to play in!
I know it's like those winters were my life they made me cheerfulll and happy as when I was a little kid I guess the solar system doesn't like us any more but my kids still love the snow it's like a tradition we go up north every year there so happy that's my favorite place ever
I agree, It would be nice to have some real snow instead of the drippy stuff that melts as it hits the ground. What has happened to our winters?
I too wish we would have a slam bang, bunch of snow, winter. I remember the winter of 1977, a blizzard hit on the day of my birthday and school was closed, Happy Bithday to me! Maybe my new snowblower is working to good and keeping the heavy storms away.
One of THE best predictors of TWO major snowstorms in my area (DC) was -- The Birds.... As the snow began late in the afternoon, a light dusting of tiiiny tiny flakes started to fall.. and at the same time, the birds started to FRANTICALLY search for food, even while the ground was still dry and uncovered. "Better go home NOW" I said to my guests, who had been waffling about "blizzrd? or not?" -- and they left. By daybreak we had almost 2 feet of snow on the ground.