Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Cilantro and Coriander
Cilantro does not taste like soap to me but my parents say it does to them
I never much cared for cilantro, being in the soapy group. Years ago I heard Bobby Flay say, if you think you don't like it, just keep eating it. And he was right. I've had things with too much cilantro for me, but find in the right amount, it's really good.
You cannot dry cilantro and expect any flavor same for just freezing the leaves. Cilantro is the one herb that completely looses its flavor when dried- you may as well dry parsley- it will taste the same. The only real way to preserve cilantro is to chop the leaves and add just enough water to hold the leaves together and freeze it. You can use ice cube trays or plastic baggies.but the leaves must be covered in water- this is the only way to preserve the flavor ( unless you prefer making pesto with it and using olive oil).I have been growing and using cilantro for thirty years.this method is the one that works
Like to know how to keep Cilandro fresh
Hi, Monique. There are two common methods for keeping cilantro fresh. The first requires a jar (a mason jar works well) filled with about an inch of water. Place the stems in the water and then tent a zip-close plastic bag over the entire thing. It is a good idea to put an elastic band around the base of the jar to keep the bag in place. Store in the refrigerator. The second method has you lay the cilantro on paper towels in a single layer. Then you roll up the paper towels and place in a zip-close plastic bag. You can also place it in an airtight container. Store in the refrigerator. If you notice the paper towels becoming wet, change them.
Joyce- Thank you for passing along this great tip! We are looking forward to trying it this summer!
The first time itried cilantro it tasted like soap yes! I have a friend who is Hmoung who told me to chopp the cilantro iddy biddy and see if that works...it does work and one doesn't have that big soapy bit to
do mule deer eat this plant? can't find anything about that on the internet...
A hungry deer will eat almost anything, so we wouldn’t count on cilantro being deer resistant. However, it does have a strong taste, so a curious deer might only nibble.
Cilantro is a special herb. Smell wonderful and tastes like heaven. In my believe when we are deficient in some nutrients some foods taste different.