Where is Orion in the winter sky?
Very interesting!!! I see that brightest star, I think you call it The Dog Star, I call it The Star of Bethlehem. When we drive in the driveway at our home, it sits right above our house shining so bright.
It was noted and written about the star Betelgeuse was eclipsed by and asteroid in early December. The article:
Asteroid to Cover Betelgeuse on Night of December 11-12 Article from Sky & Telescope
"Astronomers are gearing up for an unusual celestial event: an asteroid鈥檚 occultation, or total covering, of an iconic star."
The article quite in depth for the rare event. They have a globe view showing the viewing path.
Orion, my favorite. In Vermont, in August about 3 am Orion appears following the 7 Maidens (Pleiades) and Taurus the Bull. Winter is coming. It's noticeable as the season progresses, the higher and later Orion appears. Another constellation I admire is Queen Cassiopeia (the big W) The Monarch Butterfly has four wings. The four outside stars are the wings and the middle star the head.While the butterfly migrates to Mexico, it's always in the sky. Amazing how mythology connects the stars.
My father mentioned to me when young, Orion was the (big Dipper (Ursa Major). Easy to find the North Star being the last star in the small bear (Ursa Minor). If photographing interesting star patterns, have a time exposure centered on the North Star, all other stars rotate around it. I've done exposures over 6 hours, just lock the shutter open. Astronomy is fascinating.
gnom I have been fascinated by Orion since childhood when I first learned about constellations. In winter, I love to step out and see it in the clear cold sky, like a friend looking over me. Wonderful article, thank you.
I am an Adirondack girl but on occasion spend the winter in Florida.I love to walk our development at night and have noticed a few night sky's as being a deep blue and sometimes can see faint puffy clouds,it beautiful.Also have seen more vibrant shooting stars there than in the north.Great article on the heavens!
beautifully written; I am lucky I have a clear view of the northern sky; some east + west; I see Orion and the Big Dipper most clear nights; I'll try looking @ Orion's Belt tonight w/my binoculars; then search for Sirius; to see if I can see star-clusters: thanks Farmers Almn.;
Orion is sometimes named "Big Star Hunter" or "the Hunter"; fabulous constellation; I see the Big Digger the same night sky.
I follow the Big Dipper every clear night; I never find the Little Dipper or North Star~
I have located the North Star by following the arm of the Big Dipper!:)