Tonight's Night Sky for the Month of September
I always howl at the full moon. Hubby thinks I'm weird and says it's bad luck. I believe it's good luck, because we have been married for almost 34 years! I'll be checking out tonight's Full Harvest Supermoon and looking for the partial lunar eclipse. Thank you so much for the information.
Thank you! I always look forward to your monthly column. At 30°N I can also see the beautiful lonely Autumn star Fomalhaut beneath Saturn. Such a treat!
Thank you for this article on 9/18/2022 A little after midnight in New York I was in my car looking at the sky when all of a sudden I saw something white like a skinny oval very odd and I was staring like what the hell is that I thought my mind was playing tricks on me so I started talking to God and then a small cloud came and it almost look like it turned and flipped and then the moon popped out. I immediately ran inside and told my daughter but I never knew what it was until I ran across this article. I also saw whatever was close to the moon yesterday I guess another planet thank you for explaining these oddities or at least confirming that my eyes were not deceiving me. The gift of sight is a wonderful gift
Hi Neighbor, I have followed you for many, many years, and being a Greene County old timer, I wish too thank you for years of invaluable information, service to our community, and reading ?entertainment. I live not far from you, in Palenville, NY, the setting of Rip Van Winkles wandering up our cove, too go bowling with the crew of the Halfmoon and sleep. When I walk my best pal, at approximately, every evening before bed, between 10:30PM and 11:00PM, and then again every morning around 5:30-6:00 AM, and as I look at most of the wonderous and fantastical night and pre-dawn sky events, they are always at different compass positions, from your great articles of our beautiful nocturnal heavens. Take Jupiter, last night it was low in the SW sky, not South, and has been there for, pretty much, all summer long. Then in the morning it sits due East/South East, very bright in the dawn rising sun, again all summer long. Mars, has moved around a bit over the last few months, and has brightened and dimmed as it moved in the sky all summer. This morning, September 3rd, 2020, it was very bright, directly above my head, as bright and big as I have ever seen the red planet with my naked eye. And, last night at 11:00PM Mars was in the N/NW Sky, directly over Katterskill Cove notch. Saturn has not been as easy too see with the naked eye, but I have, about a couple/few weeks ago, Jupiter and Saturn were due west fairly high in the evening sky, not far from each other, just under the waxing, or was it waning, I forget, moon for several nights, moving a bit each night's bedtime walk. My view is limited living in a Cove, (bowl, notch, waterway), and surrounded by tall pines, oaks, hemlocks, and maples, making Venus, and Mercury sightings virtually impossible. All that being said, generally my veiw is always slightly skewed from your insightful points of veiw. And, I just have always wondered why? Again Bob, thank you for years of service too, not only the ÃÛÌÒÁµÈË and local newspapers, but for your work connserving our beautiful home, here in Greene County New York.
This is a very exciting season! I am very much looking forward to all the events Bob has beautifully described. Thank you so much OFA and Bob for this column!