How to Make Your Own Pumpkin Spice
In case anyone is confused about Allspice, the name might suggest it is a blend, but allspice is a single spice made from dried berries of the allspice tree which look like peppercorns. The allspice tree is native to Jamaica, and it is also known as Jamaica pepper and new spice. It was discovered by Christopher Columbus during his second voyage to the New World.
very interesting abaut Allspice Tree being native to Jamacia.!
Mace is the outer shell of the Nutmeg berry; I'll try the Halloween Spice for a pumpkin; great idea; thanks;
I鈥檝e made my own pumpkin spice once by looking at my favorite pumpkin pie recipe and mixing the spices in the ratio the recipe uses. I then just add the amount that is the total of all the individual spices in recipe.
There is no ALLSPICE here in Brazil either, but the cinnamon, clove and nutmeg combination is enough to make a perfect pumpkin spice mix. (canela, cravo e noz-moscada).
I don't see that you need allspice since it is just a combination of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, all of which are already in the recipe. Some people use equal parts of each, and some people use 1 part nutmeg, 1 part cloves, and 2 parts cinnamon.
Allspice IS NOT a combination of other spices, a common misconception. The name might suggest it is a blend, but allspice is a single spice made from dried berries of the allspice tree which look like peppercorns. The allspice tree is native to Jamaica, and it is also known as Jamaica pepper and new spice. It was discovered by Christopher Columbus during his second voyage to the New World.
Allspice .comes from allspice berries! I have some
Allspice is the dried fruits from the tree Pimenta Dioica.
I do not know where you got the idea that it is a combination of those other spices but that is certainly not correct.
Allspice is also known as Pimenta da Jamaica or Pimenta Siria in Brazil. You can find them in upscale supermarkets such as
Pao de acucar, Mambo, St. Marche or gourmet markets.