How Frugal is Too Frugal?
I was closet-cleaning during the rainstorm; I found a bag old leather/suede sandals; the bag looked funny; when I checked the shoes I noticed one pair of clog/-sandals had lost their heel; which disinigrated into a pile dried rubber; the dried rubber wrecked a good pair of sandals; Moral; Wear shoes; don't store them too long!!!
Much of what is obsessively saved may reflect concern about not having it when you need it - particularly for people who have lived through periods of deprivation. But in some cases, there is another motivation.
Why do people save photographs? A picture of your vacation is not actually a vacation; a picture of a warm family reunion is a static image, without the real time interplay of your loved ones. But the photographs evoke the MEMORIES of the event, and the people you shared it with; it is a way of holding on to an experience which you may never have again, and holding on to people who are lost forever.
There is often no "practical" use for a vacation souvenir, an item of clothing from a joyous event, or a photograph; but by reminding us of moments of happiness, they can help keep the darkness at bay.
Seems hard in this day of excessive packaging not to be always looking for another use for it rather than tossing it. We recycle as much as we can and we've gotten to the point in our lives where we just don't need much in the way of "stuff" Being a house cleaner, I often see homes with way too much stuff and I come home wanting to start decluttering even though we are in fair shape. One thing that helps us is to keep a box at the ready for Goodwill. And I try to make a point of not going in unless I've got something to get rid of. "Something in, something out!" Thanks
I think sometimes we carry it a bit too far...After studying Feng Shui I see how people try and save almost everything...If you dont use it get rid of it...and if you think you may need it then put it aside and in a year if you still havent used it throw it away! We have inherited this save thing from our Parents who lived thru a war and were afraid of throwing anything away...Get over it!!!
I've had the same experience with two pairs of shoes. Both pair had not been worn in for some time. The soles on one pair literally fell apart in the mall. (Note: happened after I had walked in rhem for awhile.) I just kept walking,
Wow! I have the same container addiction! You never know when it will come in handy.
My husband had the same thing happen to him with his shoes.
What a wonderful journey you've had! I enjoyed reading your insights.
Thanks for all your comments, folks. Glad to hear others have had the same experience with old shoes. Makes me feel less like the village eccentric.
And Carol, to quote the Grateful Dead, "What a long, strange trip it's been."
I hope u sent the polystyrene and plastic to a recycling facility and not just a landfill.