10+ Ways to Manage and Treat Arthritis Pain
While it took me a year, I cured the painful arthritis in my fingers by drinking organic cherry juice every day. I know have a job where I type a lot and I milk goats every morning-even in freezing temperatures and I could not have done that a couple years ago.
A huge hello from New Zealand :)
Two major car accidents caused a ton of issues, fibromyalgia for 20 years and now arthritis in many parts of me - ugh.
I couldn't sleep or stay asleep for more than 10 - 20 minutes at night. Recently my son began having sleep loss, zero energy & general malaise, serious enough for us tough Kiwis to consider doctor & fast. Funny how our kids galvanise us into action right? I'm a remedial therapist and lover of natural remedies - IF they work. I have known about Golden Milk, aka Turmeric Tea or Golden Tea for years, so off to the kitchen I hobbled.
The result was immediate! Not just for my 32 year old son, but for me (for whom no medication does a thing). He couldn't tell me if his new bamboo pillow helped because, well, he was asleep :). His energy was restored and caused a final comment on it heading to his work van for another !2 - 14 hour day. I woke once, but immediately went back to sleep.
In two days I stopped in my tracks and realised I felt incredible and had zero fibro 'fog'. If sleep is all this does for me and no mind fog, so be it and that is priceless. Two weeks into it and this is our MUST have nightcap.
The recipe is:
GOLDEN MILK (Turmeric Tea or Golden Tea)
Two servings in this recipe.
1 C milk
1/2 tsp turmeric
Ground black pepper
1/4 inch fresh ginger peeled & grated
Ground cardamom (don't have that though)
I whisked it all together & then just warmed on the stove. It was surprisingly delicious. Preferable to have milk straight from cow or nut or organic coconut milk, so they say.
I go hard on ginger, cinnamon & black pepper to be honest, as in, I have a bigger chunk of root ginger, biiiig shake of cinnamon out of shaker & lots of grinds of pepper mill. The black pepper is vital to release the curcumin in turmeric.
After first consultation with specialist two days ago, I got a high five for it and instructed to take it night and morning.
Whilst there is much against dairy, possibly in less 'green' countries than New Zealand, one can only experiment for personal results. In the cause of guinea pig for others, I'm right now sipping on a milk-free brew with the addition of lemon juice and I'm happy to report it's zingy and delicious.
Bottoms up lovelies and don't be scared to chew the chewy and crunchy stuff.
Arohanui from Aotearoa (big love from New Zealand) - June
Try taking two spoonsful of Certo [the liquid pectin used for making jelly; available at grocery stores with the jelly and jams or in the canning section---teaspoon, the regular eating spoons, not the big spoons] in a few ounces of grape juice each morning. It works. Years ago I worked in a grocery store and older folks used to buy Certo by the case; I asked them if they did a lot of canning and they said it was for their arthritis. Now I'm one of the "old folks" and take it, and it does work.
My husband and I have developed arthritis and we both take Move Free every day. It really helps and we are virtually pain-free when we take it.
I have read of the raisin/gin treatment and my husband is using it and claims it helps. But when I read about this it said to use golden raisins and special gin which is higher in whatever the helpful things are. We use the blue sapphire gin. And they should macerate (soak) for two weeks before eating the 9 a day. We always have the second batch warming up. I think it takes a bit before you notice anything.
One Aleve tablet taken daily during a flare up does help. Also a damp towel heated in microwave provides temporary relief. I have had symptoms for over 20years and Aleve is worth a try.Glad the product is on the market.
Turmeric! Keeps down swelling in general as well as being a mild analgesic. My dog Emily had lost use of her left rear leg. Basically just a stick that kept her standing, while the right leg became HUGE from doing all the work. After three weeks on it, she started using the leg again. After six weeks I was surprised to see her propelling herself UP a small hill using that leg. I kept her on it, with gelatin, for the rest of her life. It's what kept her mobile until the last week of her life. Those two items now keep me going and able to play with my new puppy!
Food is friend or foe....arthritis is caused by inflammation...a lot of which goes undetected in our bodies (eg. heart and brain!!) Cut out the foods that harm: nightshades, gluten and include those that help: omega 3 containing fish, extra greens (good for the liver)...etc. Look for alternatives to drugs b/c the drugs...well...costly....and harmful!
I use Arnica cream when my joints are swollen and painful. Relieves for hours.
Arnica relieves the pain. Can be bought over the counter in cream or gel form or you can make it yourself. If you don't have that handy and the pain is the result of cold weather, try warming a hand towel up in your microwave and apply it to the joint.