Daily Calendar for Monday, November 18, 2024

Question of the Day

Do we know when the first tornado hit the United States?
No. Tornado records have been kept only since 1916.

Advice of the Day

Everyone can keep house better than her mother until she trieth.

Home Hint of the Day

To get a screw into a tight place, push the screw through the sticky side of a piece of masking tape, then tape the screw to the screwdriver. After the screw is well seated, pull the tape and screwdriver free.

Word of the Day

A quick, rolling movement; a gallop. To boil with a continued bubbling or heaving and rolling, with noise.

Puzzle of the Day

How would securely hitching a horse affect his speed?
It would make him fast.


  • Carl Maria von Weber (composer) –
  • Asa Gray (botanist) –
  • Elizabeth Gilmer (journalist) –
  • Clarence Day (author) –
  • George Wald (chemist) –
  • Imogene Coca (actress) –
  • Alan Shepard, Jr. (astronaut) –
  • Mickey Mouse (cartoon character) –
  • Margaret Atwood (author) –
  • Linda Evans (actress) –
  • Elizabeth Perkins (actress) –
  • Owen Wilson (actor) –
  • David Ortiz (baseball player) –


  • Chester Arthur (21st U.S. president) –
  • Marcel Proust (novelist) –
  • Niels Bohr (physicist) –
  • Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. (patriarch of the Kennedy family) –
  • Cab Calloway (bandleader) –
  • Norma Connolly (actress) –
  • James Coburn (actor) –


  • William Tell shot an apple off of his son’s head–
  • Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer discovered Antarctica–
  • Mark Twain’s, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, was published–
  • U.S. railroads adopted four standard time zones–
  • Standard Railway Time went into effect for most North American railroads–
  • The animated short, Steamboat Willie, was released featuring Mickey Mouse–
  • Ben-Hur, the film epic starring Charlton Heston, premiered in N.Y.C.–
  • The Chrysler Corporation announced the discontinuation of its DeSoto line of cars, in production since 1928–
  • First commercial push-button telephone introduced, in Pennsylvania–
  • Bill Watterson’s comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes, made its debut–


  • 72 degrees F in Youngstown, Ohio–
  • New York State received 6 to 16 inches of snow–
  • Twenty inches of lake effect snow fell east of Cleveland, Ohio–