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Hi Luis,
That’s a great question! The best way to find flowers that bloom at specific times is to search using your local cooperative extension (/content/cooperative-extension-services), which will give you a list of plants based on your region and gardening zone. But a few good ones that will attract butterflies are anything from the allium family, which will bloom from between early spring to mid summer (depending on the variety), purple coneflower (blooms early to mid summer), anything in the mint family (blooms usually in early summer), black-eyed susan (blooms early to late summer), lupin (blooms early summer), sage (blooms early to mid summer), and zinnias (blooms late summer to ealry fall). Again, these bloom times will be slightly (or drastically) different depending on your region, so use the cooperative extension network to get some more specific information. We hope this helps!

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