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Hi Nick,

First -be sure you are planting the right seeds for the season- warm season plants vs cool season plants. Here in sunny CA most of our seed packets are offered year round, which makes for a lot of confusion as to what to plant when.

Second- there are some seeds that need to be planted directly into the soil..the transplanted seedlings just don't do well. Recheck the seed packets description.. those that say> plant directly into the soil after last frost, are most often the ones that don't like being sprouted then transplanted.

Third- you need to "harden off" your seedlings before they go into the garden. Meaning, move the sprouts in their flats outside in mostly shade for a couple of days, then move them into a bit longer time in sun after a couple of days and then move them into more sun etc. Make sure you protect them from the pests and birds -just as you do in the garden, after a week or so you can start to transplant.

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