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George Noble (not verified)

8 years 9 months ago

Some of the more ''far out'', incredible information I've learned about the moon extends well beyond the quaint folklore about it catching rain or enhancing plant growth.: 1) It's a vantage point from which ET geneticists who engineered humans can monitor us,2) the moon is hollow, making metallic clanging sounds when struck by jettisoned portions of the space capsule. 3) It's material is older than any known material on earth, 4) it appears to be an artificial satellite, contains electronic equipment, & provides interior shelter..5) ET bases and space craft were observed on the back side of the moon during Apollo 14 landing. Radio transmissions directly from Apollo were intercepted by an independent Ham operator confirming this encounter. 6) A later Apollo mission carrying a nuclear device intended to detonate on the back side of the moon, was met by an extraordinary light (ship?) which fired a beam at the apollo craft just as it went exoatmospheric, striking it 4 times while circling it, causing it to disintegrate and fall back into the earth's atmosphere. The FAA footage, evidence of this event was pirated from "men in black" who visited the FAA's 2nd in command who was later interviewed by Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project.

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