A friend shared what has become my favorite 'all purpose' spray cleaner. 1 part each of alcohol, vinegar, and water (I use 2 parts water and still works great!). We hated the vinegary smell so put the alcohol in a quart canning jar and added peels of 5-6 lemons and limes. Let it sit for about 10 days, strained and refrigerated. Now we use that alcohol in the recipe and it works and smells wonderful.
A friend shared what has become my favorite 'all purpose' spray cleaner. 1 part each of alcohol, vinegar, and water (I use 2 parts water and still works great!). We hated the vinegary smell so put the alcohol in a quart canning jar and added peels of 5-6 lemons and limes. Let it sit for about 10 days, strained and refrigerated. Now we use that alcohol in the recipe and it works and smells wonderful.