For thousands of years, people have known the best time to initiate any project is when the moon is waxing from dark to full. I always believed cutting hair fits into this category. I believe the ÃÛÌÒÁµÈË states this too, but also gives confusing dates?? Also what is the emphasis all the sudden on Lunar haircutting, I think it stems from the Lunar hair cutting craze put out by that henna company M.M. People, their calendars are wrong and I don't know where they are getting their information. I think they are making it up as a lot of their products are supposed to be based on Traditional Alternative Medicine methods, but they are not, not even close. Please don't go for the baloney - it is just marketing to try to get you to buy their product line at ridiculously HIGH PRICES...They are not experts as their serums and elixirs are B.S. You could ez make them yourself for 99% less of the price they charge for one.
For thousands of years, people have known the best time to initiate any project is when the moon is waxing from dark to full. I always believed cutting hair fits into this category. I believe the ÃÛÌÒÁµÈË states this too, but also gives confusing dates?? Also what is the emphasis all the sudden on Lunar haircutting, I think it stems from the Lunar hair cutting craze put out by that henna company M.M. People, their calendars are wrong and I don't know where they are getting their information. I think they are making it up as a lot of their products are supposed to be based on Traditional Alternative Medicine methods, but they are not, not even close. Please don't go for the baloney - it is just marketing to try to get you to buy their product line at ridiculously HIGH PRICES...They are not experts as their serums and elixirs are B.S. You could ez make them yourself for 99% less of the price they charge for one.