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Cardinals (both male and female) may peck at windows if they see their reflection, thinking it is another of their species. They are trying to defend their territory, especially during breeding/nesting. If you can, make your windows less reflective. You can try a number of things during this season, such as:
* putting up window screens
* soaping the outside of the window
* closing the curtain or pulling down the shades
* hanging a decoration or sticking a decal on the window
* temporarily adhering translucent plastic wrap to the interior of the window (be careful of children and pets), or using decorative window film
* placing several strips of masking tape on the window
* using stickers of silhouettes of hawks or other predators
* installing anti-glare window coverings on the exterior

You can also try moving any birdfeeders, etc., that you may have further away from the house.

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