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Ashley Manes (not verified)

9 years 8 months ago

The house I'm living in is over 100 years old. It's big and there's lots of divided plumbing lines to certain things they belong to. For instance, we have one bathroom that has it's own lines. Then there's a part of the house we call the laundry room but it also has a shower in it that works, but doesn't drain. In fact the sink drains into that shower and causes such a mess we can't even keep up with. We've talked to the land lord but he's totally clueless and doesn't even try to fix it, so that leaves us to do it our selves. We were cleaning it almost every day with a shop vac, a heavy duty push broom, and bleach. That whole room gets flooded and it's really a waste of time because the dishes are done every night. We eventually just gave up and said that the landlord had to fix it because we didn't cause this problem, we're just living here. But he never fixed it and it's been months, we have been seeing cockroaches, the water backup has turned into a thick film and we just can't stand to know theres a room in a hour that is this bad. My mom is cleaning it right now for the first time in a while, and it's just completely out of control. We tried to use the shop vac one again and it's broken now because it couldnt handle what was in the room I'm assuming. I really don't know what is causing this to happen. I'm not sure, but I do think someone came and snaked the drain for us once, and they said that it wasn't clogged or anything. We've used so many chemicals to "unclog" the drain, but nothings worked. I've tried to tell my mom it's never going to stay clean, and I think she knows this but what else is there to do really. She has an idea of building some kind of wall on the out side of the shower so that it all stays inside. Which might be a good idea, but I'm not sure. There's actually an add on room by the shower that was once used as a canning room and it was completely ruined by the water. We are going to have to pull up the carpet and take everything out of it. Anyways, I'm not sure what else to mention, but I really hope someone reads this and knows of any ideas of what to do to keep this from happening.

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