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Elvira Berry (not verified)

2 years 6 months ago

I live in Overland Park, Kansas. Our house is surrounded by age old Oak trees. It was in April that I noticed 2 little owls perched in one of the branches of my oak tree. The scenario seems like deja vu because, I believe, we have a "resident owl" in that tree and I've seen owlets there before. That was in early April. Their nest is probably in a cusp of branches. I have not seen a nest per se. So the babies stay on the tree branch in the early morning, maybe they go in their nest too when it gets too bright, but I see the mother owl comes to feed them at twilight. They were there for 2-3 weeks (?) getting bigger and flapping their wings, and then they were gone. Maybe just the babies left because I hear the hoot hoot at night. There's a duet of sounds, so there must be a pair of them, and they might be our "resident owls" staying home like Empty Nesters!

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