Folklore says if we in LA have fog in August we can expect frost on that same day in October, we had no fog in August so now I'm not sure! But, usually it is anywhere from mid to late Oct. when we get our first frost. Our garden has long given up it's bounty except for my sweet potatos and I'm told they need to be harvested when the leaves turn yellow or after the first frost. Seems they are much sweeter after it has frosted on them, so I shall wait for frost before harvesting them.
Folklore says if we in LA have fog in August we can expect frost on that same day in October, we had no fog in August so now I'm not sure! But, usually it is anywhere from mid to late Oct. when we get our first frost. Our garden has long given up it's bounty except for my sweet potatos and I'm told they need to be harvested when the leaves turn yellow or after the first frost. Seems they are much sweeter after it has frosted on them, so I shall wait for frost before harvesting them.