I grew up in the country and was taught by my dad of many "observations". I'm constantly observing the outdoors as I'd rather be outside than cooped up inside. I love to garden and have a dog to walk every day. I enjoy the sounds of the insects. During the hot summer months, I love the sound of what I call the "tree cricket". And when fall approaches, there is a whole new sound to listen to. I too delight in Puffball season; a delicacy to say the least ! I have the privilege of having them grow in my own (small) backyard ..... Haven't seen any this year (yet).
I grew up in the country and was taught by my dad of many "observations". I'm constantly observing the outdoors as I'd rather be outside than cooped up inside. I love to garden and have a dog to walk every day. I enjoy the sounds of the insects. During the hot summer months, I love the sound of what I call the "tree cricket". And when fall approaches, there is a whole new sound to listen to. I too delight in Puffball season; a delicacy to say the least ! I have the privilege of having them grow in my own (small) backyard ..... Haven't seen any this year (yet).