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Linda Mae (not verified)

9 years ago

Living in New York, the power always goes out during a bad storm. One year we had no power for 5 days due to a really bad storm. Living in the country that means no lights, heat or water. I always kept 20 gallons of water in the laundry room for drinking, brushing teeth and cooking. I had a gas stove for cooking so I took a really huge pot I have and kept it filled with snow and melted it on the stove all day long. The steam heated the kitchen and the living room. It kept it nice and warm during the day. We would use the hot water for bathing in the sink. I turned the stove off at night.The house retained the heat for sleeping during the night. Many family members came to stay with me. I also filled coolers with meat and packed it with snow and set it outside on the enclosed back porch.

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