The pink forsythia and the yellow witch hazel have bloomed, the crocuses have come and gone, but the hellebores - frilly green, true black, Cherries Jubilee (pink with rubies around the center), white with red freckles, and a multitude of pinks, singles to petticoat doubles (I have 12 kinds) - are all looking splendid! Heard my first little tree frog today. Did I mention I have daffodils opening, too, and it finally stopped raining every day! Love Spring!
The pink forsythia and the yellow witch hazel have bloomed, the crocuses have come and gone, but the hellebores - frilly green, true black, Cherries Jubilee (pink with rubies around the center), white with red freckles, and a multitude of pinks, singles to petticoat doubles (I have 12 kinds) - are all looking splendid! Heard my first little tree frog today. Did I mention I have daffodils opening, too, and it finally stopped raining every day! Love Spring!