when saving them where can i put them when i dig them up. i only have a car shed to put things in. i don't have a basement. or can i just leave them in the ground until after winter then dig them up . put and trans plant the little ones if i get any next spring in February . and I also read that its ok to plant them in clumps close together then to have then apart in 6'' I have a small garden space and it looks better to have things close together or i'll get butter cut growing in between every thing. would this be ok
when saving them where can i put them when i dig them up. i only have a car shed to put things in. i don't have a basement. or can i just leave them in the ground until after winter then dig them up . put and trans plant the little ones if i get any next spring in February . and I also read that its ok to plant them in clumps close together then to have then apart in 6'' I have a small garden space and it looks better to have things close together or i'll get butter cut growing in between every thing. would this be ok