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Orion (not verified)

8 years 3 months ago

1- Under Planting section, 1st line, you wrote: "Grow annuals in a sunny, sheltered site. They need a lot of sun."
A: Do you mean direct sun or indirect?
B: What do you mean with "sheltered site"; like what?

2- I planted the dark purple Morning Glories (MG) seeds few months ago, next to the west wall of a 4 level building. They grow and have some flowers. Although, the front area of them is open & get a lot of light but they get no direct sun in the morning. They get direct sun after noon. In the morning, flowers open & leaves are firm & happy but in the afternoon, when they get exposed to direct sun, flowers close, & leaves kind of wilting. They don't seem to like direct sun. The next day morning, they are happy again.
C:What do you think is the problem?

3- My favorite spot for MG is near the 6' metal fence near the north of the building, in front of my window (since I have no window to the west). But the problem with this side is, I have a big tree with a lot of shade - some sun for short period of the day. Every attempt I made in the past with MG seeds on this side was not successful. That's why I plant them this time on the west side, & when they grew, I moved most of them within last few days to the north side, hoping they continue to grow, climb the fence, & flower. Plus, it's not possible to put anything on the west side for them to climb, which I feel it must be painful for them & tangle to each other.
D: Do you think this would be OK for them, & they will survive & flower?
E: Anything I can do to help them?
F: Should I fertilize them? I have a "All Purpose Plant Food, Water Soluble 20-20-20 with Micronutrients" package. The package suggests 1 tablespoon per gallon water for outdoor. Would that be fine for my MG? Or should I go with less or more? If yes, how often should I fertilize them with this one?

4- Since I moved my MGs to the north side, I see some holes in the leaves of some of them. I haven't seen any insect on them to know the invader but there are some ants on the ground as usual. I've seen some tin web which is probably from spider mites.
G: Do you have any idea what's causing it?
H: Is there any easy & natural way to prevent it without pesticide? I read info about Aphids & spider mites control under your page - they are very good. A solution of water, few drops of dishwashing liquid, a little alcohol, & a pinch of cayenne pepper powder would be OK without any harm to MG plant?

5- Have you ever heard of squirrels damage MG? I saw a squirrel damaged some of my MG plants by eating the stems & buds, & dig to the root & pull them out.
I: Any solution?

Thanks for your help.

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