I am in the UK, under going the hottest summer since 1976. Have grown rhubarb for years. Recently ordered new plants from well established plant company expecting them to arrive later in the season.
They arrived yesterday, 24 July, fully leafed and a bit bedragled. They have
revived over night but my conumdrum is should I plant them now or leave them in the pots and plant them in the autumn as your planting calendar suggests? Jenny. Thanks
I am in the UK, under going the hottest summer since 1976. Have grown rhubarb for years. Recently ordered new plants from well established plant company expecting them to arrive later in the season.
They arrived yesterday, 24 July, fully leafed and a bit bedragled. They have
revived over night but my conumdrum is should I plant them now or leave them in the pots and plant them in the autumn as your planting calendar suggests? Jenny. Thanks