The bushy growth habit you like is the result of proper pruning (not cutting down to the ground). With respect to your leaves, there are a few different insect pests that cause that kind of damage. All told, your buddleia doesn’t sound like it is particularly healthy. But don’t despair, this is a great opportunity! The standard Butterfly bush is an invasive species; horticulturists now advise against planting it, so consider replacing yours with a non-invasive, sterile cultivar like ‘Asian Moon’, ‘Blue Chip’, or ‘Ice Chip’.
Hi Susan,
The bushy growth habit you like is the result of proper pruning (not cutting down to the ground). With respect to your leaves, there are a few different insect pests that cause that kind of damage. All told, your buddleia doesn’t sound like it is particularly healthy. But don’t despair, this is a great opportunity! The standard Butterfly bush is an invasive species; horticulturists now advise against planting it, so consider replacing yours with a non-invasive, sterile cultivar like ‘Asian Moon’, ‘Blue Chip’, or ‘Ice Chip’.