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Nick Kembel (not verified)

9 years 5 months ago

I live in a subtropical and very humid country. I bought two pots of mint plants from a nursery. Within a month, I found they were dying. When I moved them to larger pots, I realized the pots they had been in previously were completed filled with roots, which were twisted and wrapped around each other so tightly I couldn't even pull them apart. I tried to loosen them up a little then replanted them in the much larger pots. Now about a month later, they've mostly died, except for a few stems that survived and the leaves still look OK. Should I give up on it and just start again with some new plants? Dig out all those old roots and throw them away? Or just let it keep going and see if it will somehow survive and produce mint for me again in the months to come? In other words, are those old roots going to rot if I keep watering them, or could they come back to life?

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