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terry pesek (not verified)

8 years 4 months ago

My neighbor is disabled and can't care for his peach tree that is next to our driveway so I have been caring for it. I looked up how to prune it, and I did it, and they started out great about two months ago. I was so happy when I saw that it was growing "a lot" this year, however, they seemed to have stopped growing. They're about the size of a walnut and green and health looking. I just don't know if they should have fully developed already.
The tree is on the side of his house where it gets sunlight most of the day. I water it whenever I'm in town (twice a week). It's also got a lot of leafy regrowth. Should I cut some of that back or is it too late? Also some of the branches have about 15 to 20 peaches on them. Should I pull some off? If it is too late to save this years peaches, should I go ahead and prune it now?
Does pruning mean trimming it back while it's growing or is when you cut it back?

Thank you for any help you can offer.

Terry Pesek

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