For the past few months, I have been buying celery from our local supermarket. Every celery that I have bought has had its sweet center sticks cut off... not the center core stems and leaves though. I complained to the manager and he called the farmer. The farmer said that they have been cutting the sticks off because they were flowering... That makes no sense to me. Surely the flowers come from the center of the core or on different looking stems... not on the sweet inner leaf stems that we usually eat... please confirm.
For the past few months, I have been buying celery from our local supermarket. Every celery that I have bought has had its sweet center sticks cut off... not the center core stems and leaves though. I complained to the manager and he called the farmer. The farmer said that they have been cutting the sticks off because they were flowering... That makes no sense to me. Surely the flowers come from the center of the core or on different looking stems... not on the sweet inner leaf stems that we usually eat... please confirm.