If they’re in small seed-starting pods, you could carefully transplant them to larger peat pots for the rest of the indoor period. Alternatively, and depending on the weather, you could start hardening them off outdoors during the next two weeks, then plant them in the ground, keeping a close eye on the weather forecast. Keep them covered at night until the danger of a hard frost has passed; they can survive a light frost if they’re sufficiently hardened off. Here’s some more info about hardening off seedlings.
If they’re in small seed-starting pods, you could carefully transplant them to larger peat pots for the rest of the indoor period. Alternatively, and depending on the weather, you could start hardening them off outdoors during the next two weeks, then plant them in the ground, keeping a close eye on the weather forecast. Keep them covered at night until the danger of a hard frost has passed; they can survive a light frost if they’re sufficiently hardened off. Here’s some more info about hardening off seedlings.