On February 10th, 2021 we had thousands of Cedar Waxwings migrating by in North San Antonio near Crown Ridge Park on the South side of Babcock Road. It's dipping into the 20's by Sunday, so I hope they make it south before that hits. I live on the 4th floor of my apartment building, and they were so close in the trees, hundreds of them and thousands in the sky. They sat on my balcony railing for awhile. They fly really fast. The wind was lifting their head feathers. They are beautiful birds with dramatic black masks, yellow tipped tail feathers, and a yellowish belly.
On February 10th, 2021 we had thousands of Cedar Waxwings migrating by in North San Antonio near Crown Ridge Park on the South side of Babcock Road. It's dipping into the 20's by Sunday, so I hope they make it south before that hits. I live on the 4th floor of my apartment building, and they were so close in the trees, hundreds of them and thousands in the sky. They sat on my balcony railing for awhile. They fly really fast. The wind was lifting their head feathers. They are beautiful birds with dramatic black masks, yellow tipped tail feathers, and a yellowish belly.