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John (not verified)

9 months 3 weeks ago

I am fearful of leaving a comment due to believing I may be clustered with all previous commenters. There is absolutely NOTHING in nature that correlates with 'time' so calling one, or the other, 'natural' is ludicrous! Time was conceived of, and instituted by, man, not nature. Time allows for members of a society to function with one another and nothing else. Time provides a convenience! For instance, presume that without time, Doctor's appointments would be established by how many patients could be seen between dawn and sunset. That number of patients would be told to arrive on a certain day at dawn, and would be seen in their order of arrival. At sunset those remaining unseen would be told to leave and return on another occasion. The earlier your arrival, the increased likelihood of being seen on that day. My suggestion is to set clocks ahead monthly, forever forward! Of course then we would have to argue about whether a month is 28 days, 30 days or 31 days. And do not forget the Super Bowl. What do we do when that is played at 3 am? Personally, I would like to meet the person who's comment includes moving a foot of his blanket from the bottom to the top as being some type correlation to changing time aspects. Does anyone have the name of the institution at which he is a current resident?

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